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Shoulder Treatment


Treatment Explained

Chiropractic is a hands-on treatment; the practitioner uses the hands to adjust the spine and joints within the body to ensure correct alignment so that the nervous system can work efficiently giving you optimal health.

Your spinal column is made up of 24 movable vertebrae, the sacrum and coccyx which house the spinal column that transmits nerve information throughout the rest of the body.

If the spinal column becomes misaligned then the nerves may become compressed or impinged resulting in pain and discomfort. The most common cause of this is poor posture, incorrect lifting, falls, car accidents and sporting injuries.

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McTimoney Chiropractic

A gentle holistic treatment which is suitable for people of all ages, from very young children to the elderly.


It is gentle because it is an extremely light method; the adjustments rely on speed and accuracy in which they are performed rather than force.


It is holistic because the chiropractor will assess the whole body for misalignments and then adjust accordingly.

Why might I need Chiropractic treatment?

Chiropractic can help with a wide variety of conditions, below are a few examples of why you may need Chiropractic treatment:

  • Experiencing back, neck or shoulder pain

  • Pain or discomfort in joints

  • Migraine or headaches

  • Muscular aches and pain

  • Pre and postnatal care

If unsure, feel free to call our clinic to speak to our chiropractor.

Neck Treatment
Chiropractic Treatment

Our Chiropractic treatment includes

  • McTimoney Chiropractic Treatment

  • Deep Tissue Massage

  • Acupuncture

  • Strengthening Exercises

  • Postural Advice

Booking an appointment

Feel free to call us direct at our Reading based chiropractic clinic on 0118 931 1444.


Our Chiropractor is happy to answer any questions regarding chiropractic treatment or if you would like to make an appointment.


Our Prices for chiropractic treatment for the first visit starts at £60 and £46 per session thereafter.

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