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Foot Massage


Treatment Explained

If your foot hurts, or are experiencing any of the conditions or symptoms mentioned below book an appointment to see our Podiatrist. It is recommended that everyone visits a podiatrist once a year for maintenance and general foot care.

Our Podiatrists are registered by the Health Care Professions Council. They are able to assess, diagnose, treat and advice on foot, ankle and lower limb conditions. This includes treatment of the areas below. 

Areas treated

  • Corns and callus

  • Verrucae

  • Dry, itchy or flaky skin

  • Cracked heels

  • Blisters

  • Difficult to cut nails

  • Ingrowing toenails

  • Fungal, discoloured or thickened

  • The Diabetic Foot

  • Wound care

  • The Ageing Foot

  • Numb or swollen feet

  • Chilblains

  • Poor foot function

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Corns and callus 

Corns and callus are a build-up of hard skin which can occur anywhere on the sole of the feet or toes. The podiatrist will gently and painlessly remove this build-up, and are able to give advice on basic foot care and self-management.

Nail cutting

If you have problems reaching your feet to care for your nails, or you find your nails difficult to cut, the podiatrist can cut them for you and give you advice on looking after them between visits. Toenails that are left to grow too long or cut in-correctly may lead to problems in the future.

Fungal, thickened or discoloured nails

Often thickened and discoloured nails are a sign of fungal nail infection but this is not always the case.


The podiatrist can tell you if you have a fungal nail infection and can discuss possible treatment options.


Thickened nails can be painlessly filed down to give a thinner, smoother appearance which can make the nail easier to maintain.

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Ingrowing toe nails

An Ingrowing toenail is caused when the nail grows into the skin usually due to the shape of the nail, injury, ill-fitting footwear or poor nail cutting. It causes pain on walking and when the toe is pressed. If treatment is not sought in a timely manner, ingrowing toenails can become infected.


There are different treatment options your podiatrist can discuss with you. If you think you have an ingrowing toenail, or would like some advice on how to manage your toenails to prevent it ingrowing, book an appointment with the podiatrist.

Booking an appointment

Feel free to call us direct at our Reading based chiropractic clinic on 0118 931 1444.


Our Podiatrist is happy to answer any questions regarding your Podiatory treatment or if you would like to make an appointment.

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